April 25 2009

Ok, so I realize that I should have updated this blog A LOT sooner than I am doing right now, but most of the time I have so many things on the go that it's hard to just stop for a while and write about whats new with me. That being said, it is a little surprising to say that there isn't really that much that is different at work or home.

-Last weekend I went shopping with Yunjung to Forever21 and to Suwon Station. Most of the Bus stations in Suwon and Seoul have bus stops like we do in Canada, but they also have an underground area where there is a lot of market, discount street shopping types of stores. I bought some long t-shirts for 5000 won and they have ridiculous english language phrases but Yunjung said they were ok to wear to school. The Forever 21 in Myungdong Seoul is awesome - three floors of my favourite clothing brand. Let's just say I had a lot of fun there.
In one of the department stores we went to they have a brand like H&M, only in Korea its called H&T. I bought many shirts with FABULOUS on the front, and I thoroughly enjoy them.

-I finished another month of report cards on Thrusday night, and I have another set due on Monday by midnight. The company has decided to change the format of the report cards too, so that we have to record every day they had homework done or not, every grammar test and the date, all of the vocabulary quizzes, selection tests, and unit test scores and then add on another comment. Needless to say, I was feeling a little frazzled for the first half of this week. But I'm feeling so much better now that half of my reports are done. PLus the weather is getting warmer (although it has been raining almost every day) so that's a pro. :D

I was supposed to go to Everland today, but the teachers decided to take the Korean councillors we work with out for dinner and then we went to a noraebang (Kareoke singing room - and a really nice one too!) and I didn't get home until 2:30 this morning. You all know that I am no morning person, so I told Jen and Chris that I would go with them in two weekends. PLus the weather said that it was going to rain and I didn't feel like standing outside getting wet to go on a roller coaster. I guess the T-express will just have to wait for me!

My spring vacation is almost here - I have oy two more days of teaching before the break, so I'm looking forward to some extra time off. I still have no set plans to travel, but I will most likely be staying in the country. I have talked to some of my other Korean friends to see if they are available, but they might be busy during the week. Maybe I'll be able to go and see some more of the famous tourist sights around here. Annnnd bring my lovely camera too...


Mum said...

Hi Jess,
So nice to read about you and Korea! Can hardly wait to see those awesome pictures with you dressed in your "fabulous" shirts! Grandma and Papa are here and I read your Blog entry to them. We are sitting in the dining room and the forsythia bush is blooming with yellow flowers outside the window! Finally Spring has arrived! We had a tremendous wind and rain storm this afternoon and part of our lattice fence ended up beside the pool! Another project for Dad to fix...lol
We finally picked out a counter top and bathroom vanity so it will be coming together very soon! Dad has been patching and painting the ceiling....he's so handy! Grandma was interested to hear what you were doing. They were looking up Suwon on the global map and were surprised to see how close you are to Japan. We are booking Carleigh's flight tomorrow! lots of love from Waterloo xoxoxox

Anonymous said...

Were any of the phrases "Hey Touch man or Nice weather"?


Hope you're having lots of fun there. I am in Florida with Veronica, Adam, and Olivia. boo ya. SCUBA diving in the Gulf of Mexico.

Hope the noodles aren't soggy.
See ya
