May 22, 2009

This is just a quick post before class - I know, I have been totally MIA for the last couple of weeks. This week was a little rough, so I'm glad that its finally the weekend (well, almost)! Tonight I'm going to see the new Terminator movie with some other teachers (Dad, this one is for you and your fandom of the Sarah Connor Chronicles tv. show). Tomorrow I'm thinking of going into to Itaewon in Seoul to meet up with Jenn and visit the Korean War memorial. Jenn tells me t is one of the most unforgettable experiences to have while in Korea, so I'm really looking forward to it. Afterwards we're probably going to the 63rd building (Hannah, Clara - Yes, we are going because of My Girl hahaha) with another Korean friend of Jenn's - Jinsun. She's super sweet and she was the one that took us to see King Sejong's tomb a couple of weekends ago.
I'm really going to try to keep updating this blog - I don't want it to become another thing that I forget to do... PLease Leavce me some comments!! I like them a lot!!


Mum said...

I'm glad you are getting to see some important sites in Korea with Jenn and I am sure you will miss your travel-mate when she returns to Canada. It is great when you find friends who want to travel as well. What is the 63rd building? Let me in on the...."My Girl "reference to the building!! Do you have any pictures of King Sejongs tomb? Do you remember going to the Korean memorial in Washington? It was very moving as well. I have pictures of Carleigh looking at all the names and statues of the soldiers. Keep up the info Jess, we all live through your adventures!

hannah love said...

keep updating please :D :D
glad you're hanging out with jenn more!