July 3 2009

so...............I know what you're thinking...
Jessica is the biggest flake on earth for not updating her blog earlier.
Yes, I admit that my being MIA makes me seem a little unreliable, but really I honestly have been so busy this past month that it's hard for me to sit down and write out what's been happening here every day or week.

I can't believe how quickly June went by; I guess my parents were right when they told my that time seems to go by so much faster with every year you grow older. I made it through some very nerve-wracking parent teacher interviews at the end of the month, and some open classes (parents of student come in for about 30 minutes to sit in and watch you teach - that's even worse than parent teacher interviews).

I really loved seeing Sarah and Carleigh for the last week in June; honestly it was something I was looking forward to for such a long time. Even though they seemed a little tired from their travels in Japan, still we tried to do a few things to give them a taste of Korean culture - museums, Korean BBQ, noraebang, and of course the wonders of soju. ;D My students really liked meeting them too; even though they were really quiet when they met them, they still ask me how they are doing!

And now we're into July - Happy Belated Canada Day! I actually made little decorations on my board and gave a quick explanation/history lesson about how old Canada is and when it was first created to all my classes that day. A true patriot :)
I'm getting ready for my intensives classes that I have to teach next month - that means that on top of my regular afternoon classes I have to teach twice a week from 9am to 12pm. The plus is that I will get paid overtime, but the obvious downside is that I'm going to be unbelievable exhausted each day and will have to catch up on marking on the weekends. However, I do get to decide my own schedule for my particular class (which is speaking class) so I can think of some creative ways for students to practice speaking and making speeches.

Ok, well that's it for now. I'm really going to try to do better with this and update on a regular basis. I love you all and miss you so so so much!


Anonymous said...

Great to hear from you, Jess. I haven't talked with Carleigh since she got back but your mom tells me she had a great time.

Welcome to the joys of teaching -- marking and doing report cards!!!
But I know you will become very proficient at it.

Blessings, Dianne

Britt said...

Wow you really do sound busy! Hahaha where did you find the time to go to Japan?
How long are those intensive classes for? A semester?

matt said...

Finally you wrote on your blog. Not that I haven't been keeping up with it regularly. lol What are you going to do if a war breaks out?
love Matt

Matt said...

how are classes going? Have you been getting any kids in trouble?