August 26 2009

I said goodbye to my MWF classes today. Even though I was in a surprisingly good mood today, I still felt really sad to be losing these students.
After spending the better part of the last 6 months with these students, you really develop a bond with most of them, so it was harder than I thought it would be to say goodbye to them as their teacher. Of course, I'll still see most of them in the hallways so it's not terrible, just.........different.
Today I took a whole bunch of pictures with my camera - yep I'm bringing it out of storage! - but I don't think I'll be sharing them on this blog. Safety issues.
Ah well, change is hard but I've got to get ready for my new classes starting this Friday. I've already been told that I'm getting at least one awesome class from my friend Chris - he told me that they're great workers and really fun, so I'm looking forward to that class. I just hope my other classes will be much easier for me to handle compared to the classes I started out with in March.
Tomorrow is the last day for 4 of our teachers and already I'm starting to feel a little sad! They will definitely be missed, especially since they've done a lot for this campus and its students. I wonder what will happen to this school once they leave...
Anyways, its late and I should really sleep. Insomnia - and not the Craig David song (which I love by the way) - is not a kind friend...