
haha, I bet you're all wondering what happened to me for the last couple of weeks. well, I have been SWAMPED here with prepping for lessons making grammar tests, marking essays and then the joy of all joys in teaching - writing report cards.
The madness is almost all over - I have only 2 more classes to write report cards for and those aren't due until Monday at midnight. Booyah! I'll probably spend a good chunk of my weekend writing comments to get those out of the way. Plus we are about to start the second month of a 3 month term(?) her at yes Youngdo, so I want to get some outlines for the upcoming curriculum finished ahead of schedule. This last week I was working about 12-15 hours a day, so I'm feeling pretty tired from school stuff.
The weekend is almost upon us here in Korea, and I think I'm going to try to buy some more stuff for my apartment, so that it actually LOOKS like someone is living there. ;D
I'll write again (mostly likely tomorrow) about living in Korea and not just what my teaching schedule is like (although it feels like that is all I do - school stuff. I have no life XD).
OH, and I 'll have to find some time to post the pictures and videos I've taken so far. Uploading just takes such a darn long time!


Anonymous said...

HI jess,I,m just getting a chance to chat with you I have been following your blog, and I am excited to know you are slowly getting settled in a routine for class prep. your are strong and sharp, so as we pray for you Im confident you will catch up to this system in know time, remian open girl, you know what you have ,
and have left but with a positive
and open attitude , you will learn so much more. get as much rest as you can for the week end
and be revived to challenge the
week ahead. Just a reminder I am a surjourner in a foreign land as well, I know how it is to be in a strange land, but you are not ever
alone .
Today and always you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

I wish you could mark all of my essays and give me 100% of them.

I have exams starting tuesday.... grrreat. Then Im done my undergrad :)

Hope the seafood is tetradodoxin free.

see ya

The entire University of Guelph