Aug 22 2009

Let's get this going again. >.<

It's been such a long time since I've updated, though I do have some good reasons why I have been MIA. This last month has been crazy busy since our school has what are called Intensive classes every January and August. (This is because Korean kids are off from school during these months so they often sign up for extra classes at school so they can advance to a higher level much faster than usual).

The Intensives classes vary for each campus and we had about 8 or 9 different classes for this month. Depending on the class you taught, on an intensive class day you'd work from 8:30am (planning time 8:30-9:00am) to 8pm, with only one 2hr break for lunch and some more planning time - needless to say those days were exhausting. I had an intensive class day twice a week (Tues/Thurs) so it wasn't too tiring, and I actually really enjoyed my class. I taught a speech class, and I had about 7 students in all. Most of them were awesome - really sweet and hardworking, which made my job so much easier! Yesterday was the last class, so I had my students choose a country to research for homework and then make a poster and speech to present to the class. I'm a little sad that the class is finished, but I will be teaching 2 students from that class when I get my new schedule for September/October/November.

This coming week is the last few days of teaching for 4 teachers at our campus, and I will be sad to see them to go. It's kind of weird to go from seeing someone every weekday (and sometimes on the weekends) and then not seeing them again - sort of the same feeling I had when I first came here. We are getting 2 new full time teachers and 1 part time teacher, so hopefully the school will still run smoothly :)

I've also been joining Clara and Hyunjin and Heebeom at their UBF church in Sinchon, Seoul - and the people there are so amazing and welcoming! The service is all in Korean, but for the sermon they have a translator at the back that I can listen to as the preacher is speaking (both Clara and I use the translator). Tomorrow, I'm going to check out a church in Suwon (a lot closer, and it has English), just to see what its like. :)

When I figure out and organize the pictures I have taken so far, I promise to upload them ASAP. Right now I'm gonna go make me some delicious dinner.


Mum said...

Thanks Jess for the update! I hope you have a relaxing weekend planned and can recover from all those hours of prep and work! I know you will be sad to see teachers leaving your school but with the internet you will probably always have what we use to call "pen pals" all over the world. Now you will be able to help the newbies adjust to life in Suwon, by helping them order Korean food, get the bus to Seoul, navigating the subway, shop at Home Plus lol. love Mum

Dianne said...

Good to hear from you, Jess. Glad your intensive class was so fulfilling for you despite the long hours. Do you get a break before regular classes begin?

Take care,

Super Cool Matt said...

Wow sounds like you have been working really hard. That is good to hear, workin makes the man...
How long are your days when you are working? I had a really relaxed job this summer which was nice. I only had to work late a few nights.

Are you doing any more site seeing in your "spare" time(if you have any)?

Good to see that you updating your blog. Facebook works too ya know!
see ya soon

hannah love said...

YA MAN, we want pictures!!!!

thanks for updating :)

ya, your hagwon sounds like its a lot of too lazy for it hahah
good job, it wil help you to be more of a hard worker

Unknown said...

baby gurl i miss you so much! its great to hear from you and your world travels. how hot is it getting there??? i'm glad to hear that the intensives aren't as cataclysmic as you thought. i'm getting everything in boxes this week, and i have to start painting (speaking of which i should start that today....) but i'm realizing how much crap i actually have to take! can't wait til the next update!!!

much love!